The definition of video marketing is not complex. In fact, it’s rather simple: using video to promote or market your brand, product or service. A strong marketing campaign incorporates video into the mix. Customer testimonials, videos from live events, how-to videos, explainer videos, corporate training videos, viral (entertainment) videos — the list goes on.
Video is a versatile and engaging content format that not only gives us a real-life picture of what is going on; it’s also easy to share across multiple platforms. Consumers like it because it’s easy to digest, entertaining and engaging, and marketers like it because it can give a potentially huge return on investment (ROI) through many channels.
A recent study found that 57 percent of online consumers were more likely to buy a product they were considering purchasing after watching a video demonstration of that product.
With a Smartphone, consumers can access online video anytime, anywhere. The same is not true with traditional, paper marketing. With video, you can reach your audience wherever they are in a cost-effective way.
Video allows you to make a direct appeal to the emotional center of a person’s brain through music. With video, you are also able to attach a face to a concept. The human connection through video is more influential than reading facts in text.
At Maverick Digital we understand how video works across digital platforms. We know how to use video as part of that digital customer journey, how audiences engage with video online and the role that video can play in engaging audiences, driving conversions and increasing ROI.